Join us in championing the dreams of Brilla scholars by contributing to this campaign. Regardless of size, each donation is a stepping stone toward a brilliant future for our students. 

Below you’ll learn about three ways to participate in this transformative journey. Choose a giving level that allows you to contribute to the Brilliance in High School, College, and Beyond Campaign in a way that is meaningful to you.

Let's make a lasting impact together.

High School Scholarships

High School Scholarships

Sponsor a Brilla student’s high school career by committing to four annual gifts of $5,000 each through 2027.


Commit to four annual gifts of $1,000 each through 2027 to support a Brilla student’s high school career.

Freshman friend

Kick-start a Brilla student’s high school experience by making a one-time gift of $250


Sponsor a Brilla student’s high school career by committing to four annual gifts of $5,000 each through 2027.


Commit to four annual gifts of $1,000 each through 2027 to support a Brilla student’s high school career.

Freshman friend

Kick-start a Brilla student’s high school experience by making a one-time gift of $250

University & College Scholarships

University & College Scholarships

Magna Cum Laude

Support a Brilla student’s college career by committing to four annual gifts of $5,000 each through 2027

Cum Laude

Support a Brilla student’s college career by committing to four annual gifts of $1,000 each through 2027.

1st Year friend

Kick-start a Brilla student’s college experience by making a one-time gift of $250

Magna Cum Laude

Support a Brilla student’s college career by committing to four annual gifts of $5,000 each through 2027

Cum Laude

Support a Brilla student’s college career by committing to four annual gifts of $1,000 each through 2027.

1st Year friend

Kick-start a Brilla student’s college experience by making a one-time gift of $250

Annual scholarships can be established with a gift of $2,500 or more. With an initial gift of $2,500 and a pledge commitment of $10,000 in total, a donor can establish a named annual scholarship. Annual scholarships may be awarded for as many years as the funds are donated. The name associated with the scholarship will remain with the fund until the fund is depleted or discontinued.

Transforming Student Pathways Beyond Brilla

Transforming Student Pathways Beyond Brilla​

High School Placement

$350 provides students & families with 10+ hours of targeted support through the high school placement experience

College & Career Readiness

$1200 provides students & families with 15+ hours of targeted support through the college & career readiness experience

High School Placement

$350 provides students & families with 10+ hours of targeted support through the high school placement experience

College & Career Readiness

$1200 provides students & families with 15+ hours of targeted support through the college & career readiness experience

Investing in the Leaders of Tomorrow

Investing in the Leaders of Tomorrow

Your generosity extends beyond immediate needs—it’s an investment in the leaders of tomorrow. Let’s unite to propel our students’ brilliance through high school and into college and guide them as they navigate the wider world. 

With each contribution, we affirm our belief in education and the indomitable spirit of our youth. Every gift, large or small, ignites potential and fuels our students’ journeys from Brilla’s classrooms to the wider world. Your involvement is crucial in crafting our students’ brilliant futures. Will you contribute today?

Give a High School Scholarship

Give a University & College Scholarship

Give to Transform a Student Pathway Beyond Brilla

Make a Donation

Your contribution will help us to grow our work in providing hope and opportunity in chronically underserved neighborhoods. Donors to Brilla are permitted to deduct contributions as provided in Section 170 of the IRS Code. Our EIN number is 81-3081969.

Donations should be sent to:

Brilla College Preparatory Charter Schools
Attn: Jolleen Wagner
420 East 145th Street
Bronx, NY 10454