Three key principles— human dignity, free choice, and enduring truths— provide the important “why” to all that we do. The core of our mission is to help students flourish— now and throughout their lives. Because we are social creatures, to flourish means to be able to love, both ourselves and others. Love enables us to see people and events for what they really are—independent of how useful or pleasant they are to us. Education is, then, at its core, an introduction to love.
Human Dignity
Free Choice
Enduring Truths
The classical tradition offers many opportunities to enkindle within students the desire to live a virtuous life. For that reason, we at Brilla rely on a classical curriculum which exposes our students to cultures and time periods very different from their own. We use these materials for instruction because we are convinced that there are enduring truths, and that there is a value in studying matters which have been reflected on for millennia. We want our students to appreciate Truth, Beauty and Goodness, in themselves and in others.