A Personal Message about Brilla from a Mom

I know from my own experience that choosing the right school is one of the most important decisions you make as a parent. 

Hello, I’m Yeime Valle, the Executive Director of Brilla Charter Schools. I am also an immigrant and a mother who raised six beautiful children in the Bronx. 

For me, the biggest consideration in selecting a school was that my kids were going to feel safe, that my kids were going to be loved. I needed to feel good about the adults in front of them. That’s why I would always visit a school before I made my decision. 

Academics are important, of course. You want to select a school where your child’s mind is going to light up. 

But for me, the most telling clues come from listening to your intuition. How you feel when you walk into the building? Do you feel welcome? Are people polite? Does this feel like a place where your child is going to be well cared for, safe, calm. 

I was part of the group that founded Brilla some 10 years ago. Our desire then is the same as now: not to become some national chain but to focus all our energy on our home, the Bronx. I have stayed at Brilla because we do what we say we do. We work really hard to deliver the type of school some parents can only dream about. 

Brilla is a school where children fall in love with learning about the world and about themselves — a place where they are excited every day to go to school. 

But don’t believe me. See for yourself the way our incredible teachers engage our young scholars. Listen to the way their heart pours out when they talk about their work. Experience the warm and inviting culture that every day inspires happy, achieving, confident children. 

If this sounds too good to be true, then schedule a visit and you will discover something amazing. 

It is true. 

Yeime Valle
Executive Director, Brilla Public Charter Schools
Mother of Six 

Loved by parents just like you!

If you want your child to grow in virtue through a personalized, high-performing, and joyful learning environment, then Brilla Public Charter Schools is the place to be! 

We are proud to be a growing network of tuition-freeclassicalaccredited charter schools for grades K-8 in The Bronx, New York and Paterson, New Jersey. 

¡Amado por padres como tú!

Si desea que su hijo crezca en virtud a través de un ambiente de aprendizaje personalizado, de alto rendimiento y alegre, ¡entonces las Escuelas Públicas Chárter de Brilla son el lugar para estar!

Estamos orgullosos de ser una red creciente de escuelas chárter acreditadas, clásicas y gratuitas para los grados K-8 en el Bronx, Nueva York y Paterson, Nueva Jersey.

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